Healing Your Inner Child Rituals
The inner child theory came from the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung who proposed an archetype of a child that represented the themes of memories, innocence, curiosity and imagination. This archetype holds our unconscious which has all the values and beliefs formed by our past childhood experiences. This inner child archetype holds the key to many … Read more
The Eighth House of Sex
The Eighth House in an astrological birth chart is also known as the House of Sex. This House rules our sexuality, transformations, taboo topics, occult, and other people’s money, for example, your spouse. It is ruled by the zodiac Scorpio and its ruler Pluto and Mars. These rulers are associated with sex and death. Aggressive … Read more
Using Music in Spiritual Rituals
Music has always been an integral part of spirituality, and even religion, as far as history goes. Music has been used to spread knowledge, heal, focus, and transmute energy and experiences. It should come as no surprise then that music has been used for centuries for many spiritual rituals, from chants to shaman’s drums, for … Read more
Crystals For Releasing Energy
Crystals are great containers for energy and have the ability to transmute the vibrations around them as well. They possess the ability, to clarify the energy around them, allowing them to be great conductors of releasing emotions or habits and energy. Here are a few ways crystals are excellent for clearing work: Aquamarine This is … Read more
The Fertile Empress In Tarot
The Empress card is the third card in Major Arcana Deck and is associated with the themes of femininity, motherhood, and abundance. The symbology on the card depicts the archetype of Mother Earth in her nurturing energy. Connection Between Nurturing & Creating This card depicts a woman sitting on a throne. Her robe has pomegranates … Read more
Different Ways to Choose Crystals
A crystal is a container and transmuter of energy. Crystals can either be intuitively chosen for us or picked with a particular purpose kept in mind. When it comes to making a choice rationally and logically we should first investigate what kind of specific energy we are looking for? Then we should ask ourselves, are … Read more
The 7th House Of Partnership
The Seventh House in an astrological birth chart is also known as the House of Partnership. This house rules our long-term, committed life-changing relationships, for example, our marriage or business partnerships. It is no surprise then that it is ruled by the zodiac Libra and its ruler Venus, as both are associated with relationships. What … Read more
The Art of Reading Tea Leaves
Tasseography or the art of tea leaf reading originated in China. This form of divination was and is used for predicting the future. This is perfect for beginners as it can be practised as part of a daily routine, while the items required are also readily available. The materials needed are tea leaves, hot water, … Read more
The Third Eye Chakra’s Vision
The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, meaning a “perception” or”beyond wisdom”, is the sixth chakra in the seven chakra systems. This chakra is located between our eyebrows. It is associated with the colour indigo blue and the element of light. It represents our subconscious, perception and intuition. To be understood better, it can … Read more
The Intuitive High Priestess In Tarot
The High Priestess Card is the second card in Major Arcana Deck and is associated with the archetype of the divine feminine. The symbology on the card all relates to the qualities the divine feminine possesses which are spiritual enlightenment, intuition, divine knowledge and creativity. These qualities are the reason this card is associated with … Read more